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Dalton Mac

Dalton Mac's Journal
Dalton Mac's Journal
December 11, 2017

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December 11, 2017

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December 11, 2017

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December 10, 2017

Republican Jack Kingston DISPUTES Roy Moore accuser was a child: 'Well she was 14'

Edited to Note: The relevant part of the discussion leading up to Kingston disgusting starts at 3:30

GOP: Gross Old Pervs

December 10, 2017

Alabama's Senior Republican Senator: "My State Deserves Better Than Roy Moore"

Source: Slate

DEC. 10, 2017, 12:53 PM

At a time when most Republicans seem to be falling in line behind Roy Moore’s candidacy for Senate despite the numerous sexual misconduct allegations that have racked up against the former judge, the state’s senior senator is a clear exception. Sen. Richard Shelby said Sunday that he wrote in a Republican, who he refused to name, noting the “tipping point” was the allegation that the former judge molested a 14-year-old girl when he was in his 30s.

“I’d rather see the Republican win, but I would hope that Republican would be a write-in. I couldn’t vote for Roy Moore. I didn’t vote for Roy Moore. But I wrote in a distinguished Republican name,” Shelby, who has already cast his ballot for the Tuesday election, told CNN’s State of the Union. “I’d rather see another Republican in there and I’m going to stay with that story. I’m not going to vote for the Democrat, I didn’t vote for the Democrat or advocate for the Democrat. But I couldn’t vote for Roy Moore.”

Shelby had already said he wasn’t supporting Moore, but his strong words on Sunday showed how there are at least some members of the GOP who are uncomfortable about supporting Moore to take over the seat left open by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “The state of Alabama deserves better,” Shelby said as he encouraged other voters to follow his lead and write in the name of another Republican on the ballot.

In justifying his decision to not vote for Moore, the Alabama senator said he had no reason to not believe the women who have accused the former judge of misconduct. When there’s “a lot of smoke, there’s got to be some fire somewhere,” he said. “We call it a tipping point,” Shelby said. “I think, so many accusations, so many cuts, so many drip, drip, drip—when it got to the 14-year-old’s story, that was enough for me. I said I can’t vote for Roy Moore.”

Read more: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/12/alabamas-senior-republican-senator-richard-shelby-my-state-deserves-better-than-roy-moore.html

A blast from his Democratic past?
December 10, 2017

Aftershocks detected after North Korea nuclear test moved Earth's crust

Source: Guardian

Sunday 10 December 2017 02.13 GMT

Two minor tremors were detected on Saturday from North Korea were probably aftershocks from the country’s massive nuclear test in early September, a US Geological Survey official said.

The aftershocks were magnitude 2.9 and 2.4, said the USGS and Lassina Zerbo, executive secretary of the Vienna-based Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization.

A tweet from Zerbo said analysts had confirmed the activity was “tectonic” in origin.

“They’re probably relaxation events from the sixth nuclear test,” the official said. “When you have a large nuclear test, it moves the Earth’s crust around the area, and it takes a while for it to fully subside. We’ve had a few of them since the sixth nuclear test.“

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/10/north-korea-nuclear-test-aftershocks-earth-crust

Kim Jong Un, the secondmost batshit "leader" in the world
December 9, 2017

Flipside: What Movie was Widely Panned or Ignored that YOU Really Liked?

I have a few:

Sunshine (sci-fi)
Hardware (sci-fi)
84 Charlie Mopic (war drama)
The Woodsman (drama)
Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (horror-crime and way better than the original)

I may post more if/as they occur to me.

December 9, 2017

Palestinians Resist Israel and its US Enabler

Published on 8 Dec 2017

I can't rebut ANYTHING the young woman said, can you?
December 9, 2017

DACA Shame

This has probably been posted before, but it popped up on my YouTube feed and the opening seconds with KC made me howl with laughter, a desperately needed commodity in the Reign of Orange Palpatine.
December 9, 2017

Iraq declares war with Islamic State is over

Source: BBC News

1 hour ago

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi told a conference in Baghdad that Iraqi troops were now in complete control of the Iraqi-Syrian border.

The border zone contained the last few areas IS held, following its loss of the town of Rawa in November.

The Iraqi announcement comes two days after the Russian military declared it had accomplished its mission of defeating IS in neighbouring Syria.

Read more: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-42291985

Baghdad and Moscow have Accomplished their Mission to defeat ISIS. Gee, that reminds me of something, something that happened many years ago, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Darn.

Profile Information

Member since: Sat Dec 2, 2017, 11:58 AM
Number of posts: 76
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